Want more sales? Stop Trying to be a thought leader.
If you started an online business a few years ago like I did we had the same playbook.
- Make a bunch of content.
- Drive them to your dms.
- Book a sales call.
- Enroll them into your offer.
It’s simple and it WAS effective but something has change.
For one when reels was new everyone and their mom was getting reach. You could have the most sub par content in the world and you could still get 2k views and get some link clicks.
Today you can spend 2 hours on a post and it only see 100 people.
The other major change is the skepticism of the audience.
Some people got taken advantage of.
Other people are just tired of seeing the same old flex online and don’t want to bother with it.
The path to growing your online business started with the concept of being a thought leader.
Simply sharing your wisdom would attract your ideal client and they will come running.
I was doing the same thing until I heard my friend Joe Polish tell me something.
“ Any idiot can be a thought leader. Be one of the few who can be a result leader”.
If you’re going to make content, lean away from simply sharing what you think about a subject and instead show them the result of shifting your mindset.
In the past I would have made dozens of reels talking about my High Ticket Enrollment System I just launched but instead I waited until it actually gave people a result and they were willing to give me a testimonial.
For you instead telling people what you can do for them show them what you have already done.
Stop being a thought leader and instead become a result leader.