This Is What’s Wrong With Your Sales Process (Know your damn numbers)
Every business has a sales process but not every business has a sales process that works and can scale.
I have evaluated and audited hundreds of businesses from coaching, consultants, agenices and trade schools.
There are some common mistakes every business makes some of obvious others not so much.
Good thing is if you fix can be the breakthrough you’re looking for to go from guessing if you will make payroll this month to looking to hire.
The first problem I normally find is no one on staff knows their numbers.
When I take clients through the Sales Process Audit the first questions I normally ask is “what do you want and where are you now.”
What I am looking for is the annual revenue goal and where they are at today. Most people can answer this although you would be surprised by how many don’t have a clear goal in mind.
The second thing I ask is their how many Sets, shows and enrolls they get on a given month.
This is when I usually get a blank stare.
Let’s break down all four and what it unlocks when you finally can say you know your numbers.
Sets are the total number of leads who actually set an appointment with you or your sales team.
Let’s say this month you brought in 100 leads and set from those leads 10 appointments. You have 10 sets and your set rate (leads / sets) is 10%.
If this number is low for you like A LOT of online businesses that means your email follow up after a lead magnet is downloaded isn’t converting well or the leads you are bringing in aren’t aligned with what your are trying to help people with on your sales call.
How many of your appointments you set are actually showing to the call. Your show rate (Sets/Shows) tells a very important story. If you show rate is high that means you are setting the right expectations at the set stage and have solid reminders going into the appointment. If your show rate is below 50% there could be some opportunities worth exploring here.
Your enrollments or sales is the easiest to calculate. What’s more important than how many people you closing the the percentage of people your closing. Sure enrolling 10k worth of clients sounds good until you do the math and figure out that it took you 50 calls to get there.
If you’re enrollment rate is low it can tell you that the way your bringing in leads needs to be worked on or perhaps your not getting down to real issues on the call. (BTW I have a call checklist you can download here)
Knowing your numbers is key to unlocking getting to where you want to be. Know your numbers so you can lead them or they will lead you.
Do you know your numbers?