I Never Saw Myself as a Creator… Until This
My wife Kayla and I went on a cruise ship for our honeymoon. It was a much needed get away and we both promised ourselves we wouldn’t work.
I did however, negotiate to at least bring a book.
Right before this trip I picked up Rick Rubins book the Creative Act a Way of Being.
(I created a break down of what I learned from the book in this video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL68kyUBeuI
I figured reading this would just be a fun interesting read and wouldn’t get me thinking about work too much.
I was wrong..
We were in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by blue skys, a pool and of course beers.
Despite that there we were reading a book about creativity.
Before the book when anyone talked about being a creator what came to mind were artists.
The musicians, producers and yes content creators who turn the simple idea of a 60 second video into a piece of art.
The last thing that came to mind was what I did which was create offers.
That was until he mentioned in the book that yes even the entrepreneur who creates business is an artist.
Same people choose a canvas to display their art.
I choose the art of creating offers and services that people want to consume.
Seems simple but for some reason it opened a door for me.
I realized just like other artists I enjoyed the process more than the result.
Of course I can’t pick up a paint brush and create something that makes people think.
But I can create beautiful enrollment systems for business owners that finally gives them peace of mind.
I can create courses, newsletters whatever else I do and love the process of it.
Calling myself a creator gave me permission to BE a creator.
It gave me pride in the work that I do.
Maybe it could do the same for you.