The No-BS Guide to Growing an Online Business
We overcomplicate growing and scaling an online business.
When your in the weeds of your business its easy to get lost in all your offers, where your leads are coming from, how your converting and fulfilling.
Even worse if you have a team. Now on top of it all you’re worried about who is doing what and if they are effective.
It’s all overcomplicated.
Here is your businesses simplified.
It helps if for every product or offer you sell we look at the journey a potential lead takes to get to the end.
The yellow brick road that leads to your offer and the stops they will take to gain skills needed to progress.
First part of the journey is getting people on the road in the first place. We call this Attention.
Attention is what you’re doing to even get noticed and explain to people why they should get on the road in the first place.
You run ads, go to networking events, speak on stages or create organic content on social media.
Which ever combination of this create reach.
In that ocean of reach you start casting a net to Collect Leads.
Collecting Leads
To generate leads we create leads magnets. A quiz, a template or PDF a video. Something of value you can give away in exchange for an email and maybe even a phone number.
When creating a lead magnet or evaluating if you have a good one there are two things that you need to be mindful of.
- Does the lead magnet feel valuable. If it’s not no one will want it and that defeats the whole purpose of the lead magnet.
- Does the lead magnet tee up your offers.
Caution- If you don’t create a lead magnet that tees up your offer or solve a problem of your ideal client there is a good chance you will fill up your database fill of leads who are a good fit. This is a waste time, money and energy and no one wants that.
Next stop.
Leads don’t want to be leads forever. The whole reason they downloaded your lead magnet was because they have a problem. Turns out after downloading your lead magnet they realized something.
They have even bigger problems in their business that can’t be solved from a simple PDF.
That’s where you come in.
Convert Leads To Clients
How you convert clients depends on your goals and you or your teams skillset. The simplest way is through a sales call.
In your lead magnet and the following calls and emails you invite the leads to join you or you team to a sales call.
The point of the call is to do more than close. It’s to enroll.
We want to make sure the potential client is a good fit and that we can actually solve their problem.
Are they looking for a quick win or are they ready for a transformation.
There are endless things I can say about this stage but for now you can just download my checklist for doing Enrollment calls. This is the same checklist me and my clients have used to enroll hundred of high ticket clients.
People leave this out ALOT. We get so focused on getting clients that we leave out how we need to keep them.
Onboarding is the first impression and the beginning of your retention journey.
How you onboard will speak volumes about your program. Once again I can do a whole course on this but for now here are a few tips to think about when you’re designing your onboarding experience.
- Give them a quick win.
- After they buy from you it’s natural for them to start thinking to themselves “what they fuck did I get myself into”. To curb this its important on that first call you get them a win. It can be small it can be big. Regardless we want to wow them right out the gate. For me it’s delivering a full map of their entire business that gives them and me for that matter clarity on what we need to work on.
- Reinforce expectations.
- Sure you probably gave them a contract but let’s be honest, no one reads that shit. The first call you want to set the tone on the relationship. You will be happy you did because that means no more late night request and they will be happy because they will know where your boundaries are.
- Remind them of how else you can help.
- This sets up the ability to upsell later on or maybe right there on the call. You will be surprised how often someone will hire you only to find out they also have other needs they didn’t know you can meet.
Last but not least. Its time to..
Get Referrals.
If you get this right this means less effort you have to exhaust on the front end of the journey.
If they are a good client there’s a really good chance they know others like themselves. The best part is a referral cost you nothing to get. Just really good service and the guts to ask.
You can either do this over the phone or in an automated email.
Either way the ask is simple.
“Who else do you know that I can help?”
Also depending on your system you can also supply them with a referral link that gives them money back or credit towards their bill.
For my agency I give 20% of the first bill for every client they send my way. That means $800-$1000 they get just for telling someone about the results they are getting.
Not a bad deal.
Do yourself a favor. Take each offer you have and right out how you are doing and what you are doing. There’s a REALLY good chance you’re missing something which is going to bite you in the ass when its times to scale.
If you need help I break down this whole journey more in depth in my High Ticket Enrollment System.
It’s a course designed for you to simplify the sales process and enroll more clients without the pain.