Recruiting the Right Talents for Your Business With Amy and Joseph

Season #1 Episode #7

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Recruiting the Right Talents for Your Business With Amy and Joseph

When you get to a level of scaling, you have to start getting talents into your team. This is where recruiting comes in and is a crucial part of your business. However, so many of us put blocks and limits on how far we want to go by justifying why we should not scale. Finding people who see your business and their own is not easy, but this doesn’t mean it is impossible. Learn how to recruit right as a digital or solopreneur and scale your business to the next level. Stop justifying and start doing your assessment objectively to find the talent that will help you grow your business. Assessment and self-awareness are crucial in recruiting, promotion and relationships. They are what makes Amy and Joseph great in their business and relationship. 

Join the conversation with two amazing guests, Husband And Wife Duo, Amy and Joseph  Skursky, the co-founders of Market Leader Solutions. They help people connect the dots between Leadership, People, and Execution by recruiting the right talents for their business. Their mission is to relentlessly enable faster and more sustainable business growth for our small to mid-sized B2B clients across the US and Canada. 

Tune in! 

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:00] Episode intro 

[01:36] What Amy and Joseph offer in the recruiting space

[05:55] Recruiting basics: Hiring for the talent Vs. skill 

[10:37] Being self-aware of what you’ve and the talents you need around you 

[14:30] How to find the right to add to your sales team 

[19:05] Why you should not be emotionally invested in candidates 

[20:03] The positions that Amy enjoys recruiting talents for 

[24:15] Husband and wife duo: How Amy and Joseph balance relationships with work

[33:00] Market Leader Solutions and how it came to be 

[36:45] Recruitment assessments and things that Joseph does to remain objective 

[43:09] How Amy and Joseph help candidates seek the right jobs 

[48:58] Sales DNA assessment categories, enjoyment and competitiveness 

[48:16] Finding people that see your business as their own 

[58:24] Promoting your top sales rep to sales managers Vs. Recruiting

[59:51] How to figure out if a top sales rep can be a good sales manager

[01:21] Ending the show 

Notable Quotes 

  • Often we like people because of similar behavior styles, but that does not make them the right person for the role. 
  • If you are not enjoying sales, you are not going to do it for a long time
  • If you can’t trust someone to grow themselves, you can’t trust them to grow your business
  • Ego will always chock progress, no matter how good your team is.
  • People often have things hidden in their resumes, and hiring for talent will reduce the number of surprises you will get along the way.

Thank you for listening 

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