Combat Burnout By Work In Alignment With Your Energy with Catherine Peters

Season #1 Episode #10

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Burnout is a big and legit problem, but it is usually used very casually in our society so many of us don’t know when we’re in burnout because we think everybody is when it’s just us. In 2019, the Health World Organization classified burnout as a medical condition and a group of symptoms. Burnout is dangerous, and it’s a result of stress over time as we try to get to the next level of success. Stress plus time equals burnout, so if you are stressed over time without relief, you’re going to burn out. We all desire more greatness at whatever level we are, but for most of us, winning without burning out has become the biggest obstacle in our pursuit of success. However, pursuing success without clear objectives, boundaries, and alignment with your energy will always result in stress and burnout. Aligning your pursuit in life with your energy brings more happiness and results. Burnout is voluntary. You can opt-in or out of the cycle.

Join the conversation with Catherine Peters as she shares more about burnout, what it is, how you can identify it before it's too late, and practices that can help you manage yourself and your work to beat burnout. Catherine is a Burnout Expert, Certified Professional Coach, and an award-winning international keynote speaker. For so long, Catherine received a message to rest, but she didn’t know how to do it, and her search led her to so many different suggestions. So, she did what most of us do when faced with overwhelm. Stuffing it down, pushing it away, and plowing ahead. However, a breast cancer diagnosis in 2018 completely changed the trajectory of her life and taught her the importance of rest and self-care. Catherine's mission is to give people permission to rest and de-stress and teach them how to do it. 

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During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Episode intro and a bit about Catherine Peters

[01:48] Is burnout a problem or a self-management problem? Find out

[07:56] How to win and find success without burning out 

[16:57] Finding a balance between happiness, work, and success 

[21:04] Working with a coach to fall in line and get aligned

[24:06] How to know if you are in burn out before it’s too late

[27:40] Suffering and why it’s voluntary on your path to success 

[41:05] Rest and how you can incorporate it in your life in the right way 

[49:05] Catherine's strategy: Figuring where you’re energetically and leveling up your energy 

[56:29] How Catherine keeps her client on the same path after achieving a balance 

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