How To Stay In Your Zone Of Genius With Jesse Hopkins
Most of us, as entrepreneurs, believe that we must be good at everything to succeed, which is a big misconception. It’s essential to identify your talent and what you’re good at, and the moment you begin to vocalize it, you start to operate in your genius and stop trying to be more than what you need to be. Your talent dictates how you show up, not just in your life but also in your business. The clear you get on what you are good at, the better you are able to maximize your skills and be effective in what you do. Accepting that you are good at some things and not good at others and being okay with that is imperative in growing your business. It will help you shift your perspective and understand how you can leverage what you’re good at to bring more efficiency and success on your path.
Join the conversation with Jesse Hopkins as he shares more on how to stay in your zone of genius and build a team that stays in theirs to make an impact and grow faster. Jesse is a skill, talent, and strength finder. He works with C-Suite Execs, Entrepreneurs, and individuals working through a transition, to help them discover their talent and stay in their Zone of Genius so they can find their value, make more money and be happy.
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During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:01] Episode intro and a bit about Jesse Hopkins
[01:57] The myth of working on your weaknesses and leaning on your strength
[05:00] Being overlooked and Jesse’s aha moment when he discovered strength finder
[10:26] How to leverage your time and skills to make the most out of your business
[15:42] A company Jesse worked with and the practices that made them great
[24:09] Entrepreneurship Vs. Entrepreneurship talent pull
[31:27] The difference between a talent and skill
[45:03] The purpose of skill, strength, or talent finder for entrepreneurs
[49:41] How to use talent to impact and create deep relationships
[55:19] Talent entrepreneurship in solo entrepreneurship
Notable Quotes
- You will get much more return on investment if you make yourself better at the talent that you have.
- Often, the best talent comes in an unrefined box.
- Your talent dictates how you show up in your life and business; the clear you can get on what you are good at, the better you can be at what you do.
- The sooner you can understand what you do, the sooner you can understand how to leverage what you are good at in a more efficient way.
- As a leader, you should be aware of the talent around you and communicate in a language that resonates with them.
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