Branding Strategy To Increase Sales with Mike Grice
There is a lot that goes into sales that isn’t just marketing, and branding is a key component of any successful sales strategy. As salespeople, we focus so much on pitching our product, which gets our prospects into a defensive response. This makes branding very important in your marketing strategy. Branding and marketing are not synonymous. Marketing focuses on product and service, while branding combines everything that is core to your business, including experience, your reputation, why people should care about you, and why they should view you as an authority figure. It helps people understand your business and creates curiosity about how you can help them solve problems and the type of transformation they should expect.
Join the conversation with Mike Grise as he shares more about branding, why it’s essential, and branding strategies that can help you differentiate and stand out from your competition. Mike is a sales and branding strategist who has been in sales for a long time in many different capacities. Mike's first gig was in personal training, selling training sessions, gym membership, and more. He then shifted to the technology space and got introduced to products, management, product marketing, and branding, which ties to overall sales strategy. If you feel like you’re not making as much as you could and feel lost, this episode is for you!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[02:45] What is branding, and what inspired Mike into this space
[06:25] How branding can help you with your sale
[10:54] Why Mike got online to start coaching on branding
[19:11] Why you need a personal brand and what it will do for you
[24:51] Tips on how you can be different and stand out online as a coach
[28:26] Why Mike picked Instagram and not YouTube, FB, or LinkedIn
[38:37] Leveraging time and trust to build relationships
[41:18] Mike’s strategies for client acquisition
[43:18] Networking and attraction sale strategies and how Mike does them
[45:04] Aligning to a passion and making it financially viable
[47:11] What Mike did to figure out what he wanted to do and get started
[54:46] The problem Mike’s working on in his business to be more efficient
[59:03] Mike's vision and where he wants his company to be in 5 years
[01:01:10] Ending the show
Notable Quotes
- Sharing your story, explaining your vision, and everything behind your business opens doors for new opportunities.
- Sales is all about time and trust. If you can increase the amount of time your prospect spends with you, trust goes up.
- Creating consistent value will help you build connections online, expand your reach and keep growing.
- The only way you can continue to move forward is to get your things done.
- Know what you’re not great at and outsource.
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